Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Mission Service Opportunities: Hungary & Panama

Right now you have the opportunity to meet an urgent need as an EFL Teacher in Hungary.

"LCMS World Mission needs a long-term missionary to teach English-as-a-Foreign-Language (EFL) classes to students attending a Lutheran school in Sopron, Hungary. These opportunities provide many opportunities to not only witness to students in the classroom, but also to witness to fellow teachers at school and friends you make outside of class. The long-term missionary in this position will also be involved in other activities at the school and dorms."

Also, right now you have the opportunity to meet an urgent need as a Youth Worker in Panama.

"An individual is needed to serve as a youth worker in Panama City, Panama. This person will be responsible for establishing a relational ministry with youth within the congregation and community, developing leadership among young people and adults of the congregations to carry on youth ministry, working cooperatively with the pastors and other missionaries to expand the youth program, and organizing opportunities for growth in Christian faith through Bible studies, fellowship groups, servant events, and other activities."

For more information, go to: www.lcmsworldmission.org/searchopps.
Contact an LCMS World Mission placement counselor at 1-800-433-3954 or mission.recruitment@lcms.org.

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