Thursday, January 04, 2007

Help Betsy find Leslie

This from Betsy Wakeman:

I am an alum from the VYM Japan 1987 cohort. This is the 20th anniversary of the beginning of our great adventure. I would like to contact others in my group. Can you help?

In particular, I am having trouble finding Leslie Robertson. She was from Edmondton, Canada and served in Niigata, Japan from 1988 to 1990.

I would like to have some sort of virtual reunion, either in the form of a newsletter or blog, so that we can catch up with each other and see where the Lord has led us since Japan.

If you know where Leslie is, and would like to forward this message or contact me, please do so.

I appreciate your help.

Susanne (Betsy) Wakeman

15369 Alabama Highway
Rockspring, GA 30739

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